- Meine Empfehlung
Granada is a colonial town with a ton of rich history. Reminders of colonisation are to be found everywhere around. The beautiful architecture of Granada make it a Nicaraguan must-see. Young travellers will have a blast here, since many of the hostels host fun activities every night. Think mingling with other international travellers and bonding through trivia nights, booze cruises, and parties!
⭐ Fun – 10/10
⭐ History – 9/10
⭐ Architecture – 9/10
⭐ Local life – 8/10
I got to Granada by a shared taxi from Rivas. It was 200 córdobas per person if sharing between 5 people, the ride took 2 hours. Buses come regularly and usually cost around 3USD if arriving from Rivas/Ometepe Islands and take around 4 hours.
Mein Aufenthalt:
Ich empfehle:
Most days, the Townhouse Hostel is pretty chill, but there are fun parties some days.
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Unlimited Elements Error: Error in widget Dynamic Spot Map, You have some other plugin that loaded another version of twig. It's uncompatable with unlimited elements unfortunatelly.