- Meine Empfehlung
Boca de Sábalos translates to ‘mouth of a tarpon’. A jungle port village, this town is really off the beaten path. Situated right among nature, this is a gorgeous destination and is perfect for fans or fishing. It is best to speak to locals to find tours. There are quite a few guides in the town who would be very be happy to take you on the tour.
⭐ Local life – 9/10
⭐ Local food – 9/10
⭐ Adventure – 10/10
⭐ Nature and landscape – 9/10
The one-hour journey from San Carlos to Boca de Sábalos will cost you around 120 córdobas.
Mein Aufenthalt:
Ich empfehle:
This is a local guesthouse which costs around 300 cordobas for one night per two people.
To get there: from the port, just a two- to three-minute walk will take you to Hospedaje Clarissa. Simply follow the main road up from the port, passing the plaza and the local market. You will see signs indicating ‘Hospedaje Clarissa’ on your right. If you are lost, you can always ask one of the friendly locals.
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