- Meine Empfehlung
Much like LA, San Diego is quite laid back, and a visit here is the perfect opportunity to really immerse yourself in the city and enjoy good food and good times.
San Diego also offers plenty of lovely beaches and fun attractions and museums. As this is the last proper stop before driving along the coast, take it easy and relax!
It takes about three hours to drive from LA to San Diego, some of which is along the pretty coast.
Mein Aufenthalt:
Ich empfehle:
We stayed at the bright and cheerful Gaslamp Hostel. This hostel is great for solo travellers as it hosts lots of social events from bar crawls to games nights!
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Wir sind seit November 2021 Low Budget mit unseren Backpacks unterwegs.
Neben den typischen Sehenswürdigkeiten versuchen wir immer wieder ab der Pfade sogenannte Hidden Gem’s zu entdecken.
Längere Aufenthalte in einem Land geben uns diese Möglichkeit wie auch mit den Einheimischen in Kontakt zu kommen bzw. Freundschaften zu schließen.
Unlimited Elements Error: Error in widget Unlimited Google Maps, You have some other plugin that loaded another version of twig. It's uncompatable with unlimited elements unfortunatelly.
Unlimited Elements Error: Error in widget Dynamic Spot Map, You have some other plugin that loaded another version of twig. It's uncompatable with unlimited elements unfortunatelly.