There are so many beautiful drives to experience in County Kerry, I’ve broken them up into the 2 peninsulas. The first is the Dingle Peninsula. This section of the route demands that you drive slowly, not just because of the narrow, winding roads, but also because of the wealth of beautiful scenery everywhere you look. Have your camera batteries or phone fully charged for this drive – you’ll be taking lots of pictures!
Mein Aufenthalt:
Ich empfehle:
You can take the main roads and travel through Limerick City, or you can hug the coast. The drive time can therefore range between 2-3 hours if you leave from Nagles Capsite in Doolin, Co Clare.
This Festival took its inspiration from a song ballad by the same name, an ode to a kind and beautiful woman, Mary, from the town of Tralee. The festival spread outwards from this small Kerry town to all over Ireland. It celebrates the talents and achievements of Irish women everywhere, in a competition where the winning contestant is crowned The Rose. But make no mistake, this is no beauty pageant. The personality, skills and unique talents of the participants take priority, from sport to literature to the arts, to trade and crafts, and everything in between. Should you be in Tralee at the end of August, you’re sure to enjoy the electric atmosphere.
Mannix Point Campsite is where we stayed for our whole stay in Kerry. For more information on that, see the next destination, the Ring of Kerry homepage.
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Wir sind seit November 2021 Low Budget mit unseren Backpacks unterwegs.
Neben den typischen Sehenswürdigkeiten versuchen wir immer wieder ab der Pfade sogenannte Hidden Gem’s zu entdecken.
Längere Aufenthalte in einem Land geben uns diese Möglichkeit wie auch mit den Einheimischen in Kontakt zu kommen bzw. Freundschaften zu schließen.
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