- Meine Empfehlung
Now the fun starts. Stock up on essential road trip snacks, curate an awesome playlist and hit the road. I’d recommend allowing a minimum of 3-5 days to travel along the 575 miles of stunning coast! This allows ample time to enjoy the coast and make stops wherever you like: after all, The Pacific Coast Highway is meant to be travelled slowly.
Along the route, you’ll spot rugged coastlines, mountains, scenic roads and more.
Mein Aufenthalt:
Ich empfehle:
We travelled the highway from San Diego to San Francisco. The total non-stop driving time is around 8 hours. But you can expect the journey to be much longer than that due to various stops along the way.
We stayed in Morro Bay at the halfway point, but you can be really flexible based on how long you want to stay in each place. Motel 6 is a great recommendation that is affordable and has that all American motel charm (with a pool!).
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Wir sind seit November 2021 Low Budget mit unseren Backpacks unterwegs.
Neben den typischen Sehenswürdigkeiten versuchen wir immer wieder ab der Pfade sogenannte Hidden Gem’s zu entdecken.
Längere Aufenthalte in einem Land geben uns diese Möglichkeit wie auch mit den Einheimischen in Kontakt zu kommen bzw. Freundschaften zu schließen.
Unlimited Elements Error: Error in widget Unlimited Google Maps, You have some other plugin that loaded another version of twig. It's uncompatable with unlimited elements unfortunatelly.
Unlimited Elements Error: Error in widget Dynamic Spot Map, You have some other plugin that loaded another version of twig. It's uncompatable with unlimited elements unfortunatelly.